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EDU 452: Sheltered English Immersion - spring

Prerequisite: AED 410 & AED 415 OR MUS 316 & MUS 317

This course introduces and assesses the Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Standards required for by the SEI Endorsement for teacher licensure in Massachusetts. The course provides prospective teachers with theoretical, cultural, political, linguistic, and instructional tools to promote the academic and language development of English language learners. Topics will include federal and state laws/regulations related to ELL students; cultural considerations in the classroom; student and family diversity; theories about second language acquisition; basic structures and functions of language, SEI program principles and typologies, oral and written academic language development; instructional practices for different levels of learners across the content areas; differentiating for learning needs, collaboration with other professionals, families, and communities. To help you see SEI strategies in practice, you will complete a Prepracticum experience in an ELL classroom. Twenty (20) ESE mandated, pre-practicum hours are required for this course; observations sites will be arranged by CVPA faculty with discussion prompts provided by course instructor.

14769 01 Seminar 20 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 5:00 PM EST 8:00 PM EST Synchronous Online
Instructor: Tyler Ramey Class status:
Prerequisite: AED 410 & AED 415 OR MUS 316 & MUS 317
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: On-Line