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PSY 375: Psych of Sex Differences - spring

Prerequisite: PSY 101, 205, and one content methods course (PSY 390/391/392/393/394/395/396); PSY majors only

General Education requirement: Ethics/Diversity

Development of sex differences, socialization practices, attitudes, values and role expectations which affect the self-concept and interpersonal relationships. This course is designed to stimulate discussion among men as well as women.

13600 01 Lecture 35 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 10:00 AM EST 10:50 AM EST Liberal Arts 102
Instructor: R. Thomas Boone Class status:
Prerequisite: PSY 101, 205, and one content methods course (PSY 390/391/392/393/394/395/396); PSY majors only
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person