Art + Design: Photography
I have struggled with figuring out myself and being myself. I have always feared being judged and have had to deal with it for as long as I can remember.
In addition to photography, I do makeup artistry. I view makeup as an art form, where the face is the canvas and one can paint whatever they want on it, making one look however their heart desires. Everyone looks different, dresses differently, expresses themselves differently. Whether it’s based on age, personality, style, or a profession, every person is completely different, even those who model themselves based on a specific norm or type or imitate the appearance of others. This always made me wonder how can people be judged? On what basis can someone be judged? No one is the same, in some capacity every single person is different.
The basis of my thesis is creating a reaction to the hypocrisy at being judged and feeling like I’m never good enough. I create a variety of different characters with different looks and personas to raise the questions “If you do not like me how I am, would you like me better if I was a different person?” “If you judge me on who you think I am, would you judge me differently if I made myself into a different person?”
Everyone is different yet in the society we live in, many feel the need and obligation to pursue what is considered “cool” and “beautiful” in hopes of fitting the cookie cutter mold that embodies “popularity”. This idea is my antithesis. This is not individuality.
- Carol2, 2020, archival pigment print, 24" x 36"
- Carol3, 2020, archival pigment print, 24" x 36"
- Rachel2, 2020, archival pigment print, 24" x 36"
- Rachel3, 2020, archival pigment print, 24" x 36"
- Lucy3, 2020, archival pigment print, 24" x 36"
- Lucy4, 2020, archival pigment print, 24" x 36"
- Ashley1, 2020, archival pigment print, 24" x 36"
- Ashley3, 2020, archival pigment print, 24" x 36"
- Meredeth2, 2020, archival pigment print, 24" x 36"
- Meredeth4, 2020, archival pigment print, 24" x 36"
- Sam2, 2020, archival pigment print, 24" x 36"
- Sam1, 2020, archival pigment print, 24" x 36"