CONFIRMED: SMAST Seminar - DEOS - "Applied Science in Buzzards Bay: Salt marshes, water quality, and cranberry bogs, oh my!" By: Rachel Jakuba
Department of Estuarine and Ocean Sciences "Applied Science in Buzzards Bay: Salt marshes, water quality, and cranberry bogs, oh my!" Rachel Jakuba, Vice President for Bay Science, Buzzards Bay Coalition Wednesday, October 2, 2024 12:30pm-1:30pm SMAST E 101-102 and via Zoom Abstract: The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a regional nonprofit organization that has a long history of research and monitoring that began with monitoring water quality in partnership with research institutions in 1992. Buzzards Bay Coalition research areas have expanded over the years to provide missing information to support sound management of natural resources in a variety of different areas. Recent research on salt marshes, water quality using continuous sensors, and cranberry agriculture will be discussed with a focus on monitoring salt marsh resiliency and pilot marsh restoration techniques. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 974 4006 9270 Passcode: 428029 For additional information, please contact Callie Rumbut at
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