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students speaking about careers

Women in STEM

Empowering Women in Science & Engineering

Presented in collaboration with UMassD Alumni Relations, College of Engineering, School for Marine Science & Technology and Women in Defense-Greater Boston Chapter

Wednesday, October 25


Join UMassD College of Engineering and School for Marine Science & Technology students, UMassD alumnae and professionals in the STEM and engineering fields for a networking dinner and professional development workshop hosted by Improv Edge. Immerse yourself in an interactive workshop on "Professional Presence: Authenticity and Impact" and make connections with professionals in STEM-based work, technologies, and careers in the defense industry. 


This event is free for students. Alumni and industry professionals are directed to register through the Women in Defense-Greater Boston Chapter website. The fee is $35 for members of WID/NDIA and $50 for non-members. Proceeds from the event will primarily support the WID-GBC/UMassD Scholarship Women in Engineering.

If you have questions, please contact UMassD Alumni Relations at

Special thanks to event partners and sponsors

Women in Defense-Greater Boston Chapter ImprovEdge BAE Systems logo
STR Logo Raytheon Missiles & Defense
Draper Logo Orstead JRAD Logo
Onyx Spectrum logo Seacorp logo
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