Research Session of the Southcoast Cognitive Aging Study
The Research Program of the Gerontology Center occurs in the respective departments and laboratories of our core center faculty and of our new faculty group on age-related research.
Research of Center Faculty
Andrew Revell, PhD, is the Principal Investigator of the Southcoast Cognitive Aging Study.
Dr. Revell's overall cognitive aging research program addresses three specific areas of interest: 1) remediation of cognitive decline and potential gene-environment interactions; 2) measurement of normal versus pathological changes with age; and 3) multivariate analysis of health and cognition over time.
USA Today “Senior Moments” article cites new research co-authored by Dr. Andrew Revell published in the Peer-Reviewed, Oxford Press Journal, Age and Aging.
Research of Faculty Interest Group on Aging
Brian Ayotte, PhD
Associate Professor, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences; Associate Director, University Honors College
Research Interests: Aging, health psychology, interpersonal relationships, cognition, and problem solving
Laura Forker, PhD
Professor of Operations Management, Charlton College of Business; Director, Online MS in Healthcare Management
Research Interests: Improving quality, safety, and process efficiency in healthcare.
Jennifer Viveiros, PhD
Associate Professor, Adult Nursing, College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Research Interests: Chronic health, cardiovascular disease, and aging and health.