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Guidelines for Authors

Proposal Submission Guidelines

When submitting a full proposal to Tagus Press, be sure to include the following:

  1. a cover letter with a concise description of the book (250 to 400 words), including the working title, your arguments, main topics, and themes and goals
  2. a table of contents and one-paragraph description for each chapter
  3. the approximate length of the manuscript, measured in words
  4. examples or descriptions of any artwork, including the total number of illustrations proposed as well as estimated numbers of maps, figures, tables, and graphs
  5. your sense of the potential audience(s) for the work
  6. comparable and competing books and how your book differs and/or adds to existing works, whether in coverage, approach, or style
  7. your timetable for completing the manuscript if it is not already completed
  8. a CV or résumé
  9. consideration of possible funding sources or “subventions” for the book

    A word of clarification. The CPSC/TP seeks monetary support or “subventions” from established grant programs to help with the publication of books—particularly scholarly books—and encourages authors to help identify other sources, such as specialized foundations, programs within their home institutions, and government departments with special interest in the area of their research.

    Our contracts detail the costs authors are required to cover. To summarize, author’s responsibilities include the costs of all permissions fees, for both textual and visual materials, the costs of all maps, and the costs of indexing. There may be further cost considerations depending on the estimated cost or the complexity of any given project.

  10. if available, please provide a sample chapter and the introduction (if it is well drafted).


Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies Submission Guidelines

Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies welcomes submission of original and unpublished manuscripts in English or Portuguese appropriate to the goals of the journal. Manuscripts which do not follow the guidelines below will not be considered for publication.

Manuscripts should be submitted as an email attachment to Managing Editor Mário Pereira at

  1. Manuscripts must be between 6,000-8,500 words (including notes and bibliography) and be written in English or Portuguese. We prefer that authors submit manuscripts in the language in which they feel most proficient.
  2. Submission of a manuscript will be considered a guarantee that the manuscript has not been previously published, or accepted for publication, and that it is not under consideration at another journal.
  3. After initial evaluation by the editors, submitted manuscripts may be subject to double-blind peer review by two experts in the appropriate field. Authors may recommend one of these experts. Authors will receive the decision of the editors in writing, including guidance on revisions.
  4. Literature and humanities manuscripts should follow standard MLA Handbook guidelines. History and social science manuscripts should follow standard Chicago Manual of Style guidelines.
  5. The author is responsible for the accuracy of all quotations and references and for securing written permission for the use of any material copyrighted by others. 
  6. Manuscripts must be in Times New Roman font, number 12, with standard margins and must be double-spaced throughout. Manuscripts should not include headers or footers.
  7. Manuscripts must include an abstract of 100-150 words, in both English and Portuguese.
  8. Manuscripts must be submitted as a single Word file.
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