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Funding to enhance the university’s role and positive impact on the regional blue economy and the sustainability of vital coastal and ocean resources
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News & Public InformationStrengthened nursing education pipeline allows Southcoast Health nurses to earn Bachelor’s degrees from the College of Nursing and Health Sciences
SMAST summer internship program immerses high school students in marine science research and careers in the blue economy
Class of 2027 hails from 25 states, 13 countries, and 94 undergraduate institutions
The publishing arm of the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture announces the publication of Migration, Mill Work, and Portuguese Communities in New England, edited by Cristiana Bastos, Bela Feldman-Bianco, and Miguel Moniz
Here’s some important info to help you prepare for another great year on campus
The Corsair tradition highlights the narratives of incoming first-year students as they embark on their collegiate journey
The publishing arm of the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture announces the publication of Leaving Pico by Frank X. Gaspar
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Event CalendarDepartment of Estuarine and Ocean Sciences and Department of Fisheries Oceanography Seminar "Ocean Mesoscale Eddies: Key Drivers of tracer transport & Air-Sea Exchange" Yiming Guo, Postdoc Investigator, WHOI SMAST East 101-102 and Zoom Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 974 4006 9270 Passcode: 428029 Abstract: Mesoscale eddies, ubiquitous features in the ocean with horizontal scales ranging from tens to hundreds of kilometers, are critical drivers of oceanic variability, significantly influencing the global tracer transport, energy cycle and air-sea interactions. Advances in satellite observations and mesoscale-resolving climate models over the past decades have greatly enhanced our understanding of these dynamic ocean features.
One of the best ways of getting involved on campus starts with checking out the clubs and organizations at UMassD. Come meet and speak with representatives from over 100 different clubs, organizations, and campus departments. So take a break, join the fun and make sure to stop by the SAIL booth to see what they just may be giving away. The rain date for this event is Friday 13th. Same space and time!
Interested in studying abroad? Do you have a quick question about the opportunities that are available or the overall process? Stop by the International Programs Office (IPO)! Students will be seen on a first come, first served basis.
Financial Aid Services wants to remind all students to file their FAFSA! Join Financial Aid Services for FAFSA Help Labs in LARTS 203 on Wednesdays and Fridays from 3-4pm for help filing your FAFSA and learning more about financial aid. Contact Mark Yanni
Learn about the companies that are attending the career fairs and how you can prepare to speak to them with confidence. This will be a 3-part workshop: Pre-event preparation, what to do when you get there, and post-event follow-up. Bring your laptop and activate your Handshake account. ALKU will host this workshop. Pizza will be served!
NCAA Division III Women's Soccer