UMass Law School
Massachusetts' only public law school
From flexible programs to personalized attention, there are many reasons to choose UMass Law.
Learn about admissions criteria and how to finance your education.
Discover why UMass Law is right for you.
Explore our full-time and part-time programs and JD, JD/MBA, JD/MPP, and JD/MSW degrees.
Smallest typical class sizes of any ABA-accredited law school in Massachusetts
#1in MA for graduates in government and public service jobs (Class of 2023)
#2UMass Law guaranteed clinic or internship placement
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Legal scholars bring expertise in civil rights, environmental law, and constitutional litigation
Sixty law students participate in annual "Walk the Hill" event
Ten stories that defined UMass Law in 2024
UMass Law Professor Anna-Marie Tabor advocates for accountability in pension buyout transactions in her recently published article, A Proposal to Enhance Participant Disclosures in Pension Annuity Buy-Outs.
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Drawing from her own experiences at UMass Dartmouth & the School of Law, Dillan is now an Alumni Association member that is dedicated to being the mentor she once had.
Practical experiences at UMass Law prepared military veteran for his new role in criminal prosecution
Part-time law student is grateful for the support of the UMass Law community as he commuted from Martha's Vineyard
Builds a new community more than 1,000 miles from home