Clinics, Field Placements & Pro Bono
The development of legal skills and ethical values is central to your legal education.
While providing quality legal representation to clients, you have the opportunity to develop technical lawyering skills as well as to grapple with the ethical issues that present themselves daily in the practice of law. This experience is a prime way for you to put into action the knowledge you have gained during your classroom experience.
Community Development Clinic
A UMass Law in-house clinic: students represent area small businesses and non-profit organizations.
Criminal Prosecution Clinic
Housed in the Bristol County District Attorney's Office: offers experience in the legal work of a prosecutor.
Field Placements
The program encompasses a variety of placements, including judicial internships, government placements, and private practice.
Housing and Eviction Defense Clinic
An off-site clinic in partnership with South Coast County Legal Services, representing clients in court facing eviction and other tenant legal concerns.
Human Rights at Home Clinic
The Human Rights at Home Clinic focuses on securing fundamental human rights for individuals with limited means within the United States.
Immigration Law Clinic
A UMass Law in-house clinic: cases encompass immigration issues such as deportation defense, family reunification, and political asylum.
Mashpee Wampanoag Legal Services Clinic
Clients include low-income litigants in the Tribal Court, located in Mashpee, MA, as well as tribal members seeking legal assistance.
Pro Bono Requirement
The Pro Bono Requirement seeks to develop students’ commitment to pro bono work: for the public good.
Post-Graduate: Justice Bridge
Justice Bridge is a post-graduate incubator for UMass Law graduates who want to learn how to develop rewarding law practices.