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Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture

Promoting Portuguese and Lusophone Studies in the United States

A multidisciplinary international studies and outreach unit dedicated to the study of the language, literatures and cultures of the Portuguese-speaking world. Working in close partnership with the Department of Portuguese and the Ferreira-Mendes Portuguese-American Archives.


The center sponsors and coordinates research, educational and cultural activities appropriate to its mission.

Two students studying

News and announcements by the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture.

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Groundbreaking translations and journals address both Portuguese life abroad and in the United States.


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Inês BB Poster Event
Inês Beleza Barreiros: Challenging the Colonial Complex: Thinking Visually in Contemporary Portugal

Inês Beleza Barreiros (Universidade Nova de Lisboa/Brown University) is an art historian, cultural critic, and curator. Her research delves into how art an images become knowledge producing objects and she has published on the visual cultural, public memory, and afterlives of colonialism in the Portuguese-speaking worlds. She is presently prepering the monograph Thinking Virtually: The Afterlives of Portuguese Imperialism. Wednesday, December 4th, 5:30pm Marketplace

Richard Zenith Event Advertisment
Richard Zenith, “The Lyric Camões, Sensual and Diverse”

Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture/Tagus Press, Department of Portuguese and the Ferreira-Mendes Portuguese American Archives present Richard Zenith, “The Lyric Camões, Sensual and Diverse” Wednesday, October 9, 5:30 pm Ferreira-Mendes Portuguese American Archives (Library)

Simon Park Poster
Simon Park (University of Oxford), “When Does the Empire Begin? Camões’s Os Lusíadas (1572)”

Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture/Tagus Press, Department of Portuguese and the Ferreira-Mendes Portuguese American Archives present Simon Park (University of Oxford), “When Does the Empire Begin? Camões’s Os Lusíadas (1572)” Wednesday, October 9, 5:30 pm Ferreira-Mendes Portuguese American Archives (Library)

Call for Papers 2
Call for Papers Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies “Perspectivas Emergentes na Produção Cultural Afro-Descendente: Memória, Identidade e Diáspora Global”

Editoras convidadas: Sheila Khan (Universidade Lusófona/CICANT) e Sandra Sousa (University of Central Florida).

Cover of the Book Migration, Mill Work, and Portuguese Communities in New England
Tagus Press publishes Migration, Mill Work, and Portuguese Communities in New England

Tagus Press announces the publication of Migration, Mill Work, and Portuguese Communities in New England, edited by Cristiana Bastos, Bela Feldman-Bianco, and Miguel Moniz. 


Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture


University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
285 Old Westport Road •  Dartmouth MA 02747-2300

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