A new study explores how the formation of cold core rings and warm core rings from the Gulf Stream has changed over the last 40 years and might have long-term effects on the ecosystem.
The annual symposium showcases marine science-related research being conducted by students, faculty, & staff across all UMass campuses.
Dr. Kevin Stokesbury has been appointed committee member of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's Environmental Studies Program by the National Academy of Sciences.
A study co-authored by UMass Dartmouth Professor Dr. Steven Cadrin has been selected as the Editor’s Choice for the ICES Journal of Marine Science.
The National Science Foundation has awarded Dr. Louhghalam $524,940 to support research that will lead to significant reductions in economic loss and negative social impacts of natural hazards.
The project, led by Associate Professor Anthony Arrigo, will explore the history of the Hoover Dam using virtual reality
Dr. Steven Cadrin receives award for his contributions to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.
Michael Marino, Assistant Dean at the School for Marine Science & Technology, is the recipient of the 2020 Citation for Outstanding Performance from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.