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Identity Based Resources


At the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Career Center, we recognize the rich tapestry of identities that our students bring to our community. Our Identity Based Resources page is a testament to our dedication to understanding, celebrating, and supporting the diverse experiences and backgrounds of every student.


Our mission is to provide tailored resources and guidance to all students, acknowledging the unique opportunities and challenges that come with each identity. Whether you identify as LGBTQIA+, a Veteran, First Generation, Student of Color, Neurodiverse, or a Student with Disabilities, we are here to support your career journey. We believe that by understanding and addressing the specific needs of each identity group, we can better equip all students for success in the professional world.


The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Career Center is unwavering in its commitment to inclusivity, equity, and representation. We pledge to continuously evolve our resources, programs, and services to meet the changing needs of our diverse student body. By fostering an environment of respect and understanding, we aim to empower every student to confidently navigate their career path, regardless of their identity.

Especially for

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