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Gavin Fay


Gavin Fay, PhD

Associate Professor

SMAST / Fisheries Oceanography

Fisheries & Ecosystem Management Lab Website




School for Marine Science & Technology East, New Bedford 228


2012University of WashingtonPhD
2004University of WashingtonMS
2000University of StirlingBSc





Generalized linear models, inference of parameters in non-linear models, and Bayesian statistics. The course is designed for advanced graduate students in ecology and fisheries who want to study statistical theories in GLM and parameter inference, to infer parameters using the state-of -the art language (ADMB, BUG, R), and to develop his/her own models. Most models used in ecology and fisheries management are non-linear, and often many parameters are involved. The existing models/toolbox software are useful in research and practical management, but researchers often have their own unique problem, which those existing models cannot be used for.

Generalized linear models, inference of parameters in non-linear models, and Bayesian statistics. The course is designed for advanced graduate students in ecology and fisheries who want to study statistical theories in GLM and parameter inference, to infer parameters using the state-of -the art language (ADMB, BUG, R), and to develop his/her own models. Most models used in ecology and fisheries management are non-linear, and often many parameters are involved. The existing models/toolbox software are useful in research and practical management, but researchers often have their own unique problem, which those existing models cannot be used for.

Generalized linear models, inference of parameters in non-linear models, and Bayesian statistics. The course is designed for advanced graduate students in ecology and fisheries who want to study statistical theories in GLM and parameter inference, to infer parameters using the state-of -the art language (ADMB, BUG, R), and to develop his/her own models. Most models used in ecology and fisheries management are non-linear, and often many parameters are involved. The existing models/toolbox software are useful in research and practical management, but researchers often have their own unique problem, which those existing models cannot be used for.

Generalized linear models, inference of parameters in non-linear models, and Bayesian statistics. The course is designed for advanced graduate students in ecology and fisheries who want to study statistical theories in GLM and parameter inference, to infer parameters using the state-of -the art language (ADMB, BUG, R), and to develop his/her own models. Most models used in ecology and fisheries management are non-linear, and often many parameters are involved. The existing models/toolbox software are useful in research and practical management, but researchers often have their own unique problem, which those existing models cannot be used for.

Thesis research on an experimental or theoretical project in Marine Science or Technology under a faculty advisor.


Research activities

  • Evaluating the performance of ecosystem-based fisheries management strategies
  • Stock assessment statistical methods development
  • Simulation testing of management, monitoring, and assessment procedures
  • Social-ecological ecosystem modeling and indicators for Integrated Ecosystem Assessment
  • Testing decision support tools for living marine resource management


Research awards

  • $ 353,016 awarded by VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY for DISES: Dynamics of Socio-environmental Factors Driving Resilience of Coastal Fisheries
  • $ 149,080 awarded by WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION for CINAR Postdoctoral Scholar Program in Stock Assessment and Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management, Climat & Ecosystems, & Ecosystem Observing
  • $ 297,220 awarded by Massachusetts Clean Energy Center for Ocean Observing, Modeling, and Management for Offshore Wind Certificate Program
  • $ 87,240 awarded by Virginia Institue of Marine Science for Age-length Structured Assessment Modeling for US Atlantic Sea Scallop Using Stock Synthesis
  • $ 34,806 awarded by Nature Conservancy for Supporting the FishPath Implementation and Fisheries Science Capacity Building

Select publications

  • Fay, G., G. DePiper, S. Steinback, R.J. Gamble, J.S. Link (2019).
    Economic and ecosystem effects of fishing on the Northeast US shelf
    Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:133, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.0.
  • Fay, G., J.S. Link, J.A. Hare (2017).
    Assessing the effects of ocean acidification in the Northeast US using an end-to-end marine ecosystem model
    Ecological Modelling, 347, 1-10.
  • Fay, G., J.S. Link, S.I. Large, and R.J. Gamble (2015).
    Management performance of ecological indicators in the Georges Bank finfish fishery
    ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72, 1285-1296.
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