Spencer Clough


Spencer Clough

Associate Dean

Law School / Library





UMass School of Law 101


State University of New York at BuffaloJD
State University of New York at BuffaloMLS
University of PittsburghMA
State University of New York at BuffaloBA


  • Statutory Interpretation
  • Administrative Law





Organization and procedure of federal and state administrative agencies, boards and bureaus. The course covers legislative, executive, and judicial powers; delegation of power; due process; judicial control over administrative agencies; and constitutional limitations.

The course provides individual students with the opportunity to complete an independent legal research and writing project under the supervision of a full- time faculty member with expertise in the area studied. Permission of Full-Time Professor; Permission of Associate Dean required for second I.L.R. Of the 90 credits required for graduation, students are required to earn at least 65 in courses that meet in regularly scheduled class sessions. This course does not count toward the 65 credit requirement.

Professional background

As a law librarian, Professor Clough brings over thirty years of experience to UMass Law. Prior to his arrival at Southern New England School of Law, he spent six years on Beacon Hill as the Assistant Director/Head of Reference at the State Library for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts where he provided library services to the Governor’s office, executive branch agencies, and the General Court.

Earlier in his career, Spencer was the Associate Director for Public Services at the University of Connecticut School of Law library. He served as an Associate Librarian at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law and began his library career while a law student at the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law.

Professor Clough is admitted to practice in the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. A member of Phi Beta Kappa, the American Association of Law Libraries, the American Bar Association, and the American Library Association, he was also an elected member of the library trustees for the Kingston Public Library for 17 years and was a founding member of the Kingston Public Library Foundation Kingston, Massachusetts.