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Tuition refund policy

Percentage and type of adjustment upon official withdrawal from the University:

Prior to first day and through to end of publicized drop/add period each semester: 100% tuition reduction
During second week: 90% tuition/fees reduction
During third week: 70% tuition reduction
During fourth week: 50% tuition reduction
After fourth week: no reduction of charge

A student who has not paid in advance must still pay the amount which remains due after the charges are reduced.

Official withdrawal from the University is defined in § 12 of the UMass Law Student Handbook (PDF).

Refund of charges for on-campus meals and housing is governed by the terms of the housing contract.

Return of Title IV aid

For students receiving Title IV funding (Federal Direct Loans), the law school applies the Return of Title IV Aid policy in compliance with the Higher Education Amendments of 1998.

Withdrawn students with federal loans will be subject to both the Return of Title IV Aid and the University of Massachusetts School of Law - Dartmouth Refund Policy.

According to federal regulation, students receiving Federal Direct Loans that withdraw from or stop attending classes on or before completing 60% of the semester, calculated in calendar days, are required to return all or a portion of the federal funds awarded.

Refunds made under the Return of Title IV Aid policy will be paid, first, to the Unsubsidized and Subsidized Direct Loan Programs and then to the Graduate Plus Loan Program.

Additional information about the Return of Title IV Aid policy—including examples of its application—is available in the Financial Aid Office.

More information

Enroll in Direct Deposit: for refund (PDF)

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