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PILF Service Hours Q&A

Common questions about the Public Interest Law Fellowship Program:

You are required to perform 200 PILF public service hours while enrolled at UMass Law as a condition of your PILF scholarship.

Incoming 1L Students

  • First Year - Not less than 50 hours by 8/1 of the end of first year
  • Second Year - Not less than 75 hours by 8/1 of the end of second year
  • Third Year - The balance of the hours remaining to total of 200 by the end of the third month of the student's last semester of law school

Part Time Students

  • First Year - Not less than 25 hours by 8/1 of the end of first year
  • Second Year - Not less than 50 hours by 8/1 of the end of second year
  • Third Year - Not less than 50 hours by 8/1 of third year
  • Fourth Year - The balance of the hours remaining to total of 200 by the end of the third month of the student's last semester of law school

Note: PILF public service hours do not count toward satisfaction of the Pro Bono Program graduation requirement.

  1. Additional pro bono hours beyond the 30 hours required for graduation
  2. Additional field placement hours beyond those required for classroom credit
  3. Additional summer stipend hours beyond those that are required
  4. Volunteering at a nonprofit charitable, civic, community, governmental, or educational organization
  1. 1Ls must file a plan by Feb. 1st of their first year with the Director of the PILF Program detailing how they will perform their required hours.
  2. Returning students must file a plan by October 1st with the Director of the PILF Program detailing how they will perform their required hours.
  1. You have until Aug. 1st of each academic year to complete the hours that are required for the academic year.
  2. In the year or semester that you are graduating, you must complete the hours by the end of the third month of your last semester.

Yes, your scholarship may be terminated.

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