Mark Paige, PhD
Professor / Chairperson
Public Policy
Liberal Arts 325
2011 | University of Wisconsin-Madison | PhD |
2007 | University of Wisconsin-Madison | JD |
1997 | Tufts University | BA |
- Education law
- School finance
- Special education law
Online and Continuing Education Courses
Key concepts within organizational theory and leadership practices as they relate to education settings. This course discusses various frameworks through which organizations, including public school systems, can be understood, bridging theory and'practice. It emphasizes the ways in which public schools' organization, leadership, and management of human capital can be leveraged to improve educational equality and student outcomes.
Overview of how education is financed in the United States and the national, state, and local strategies used to support education. Students will engage in an analysis of the complexity and magnitude of education as an important resource in the public sector. This course will expose students to a critical understanding of how the American economy provides funding for public education, how funds are administered, and trends toward more efficient utilization of resources.
Register for this course.
Research interests
- Education Law
- Education Policy
- Labor Relations
Select publications
- Paige, Mark A. (2011).
"Book Review: Freedom of Choice: Vouchers in American Education"
Teachers College Record - Paige, Mark A. (2011).
"Commentary: Teacher Evaluation Reform: Finding the Forest Through the Trees"
Teachers College Record - Paige, Mark A. (2011).
"Book Review: Courts & Kids."
American Journal of Education, 117 (4), 603-606. - DeMitchell, Todd F. & Paige, Mark A. (2010).
“School Uniform: Symbols or Substance? A Law and Policy Analysis.”
Education Law Reporter, 250(3), 846-1169. - Paige, Mark A. (2009).
Commentary: “The Case for School Law in Teacher Preparation Programs.”
Teachers College Record
Mark Paige researches legal issues in education and their educational policy dimensions. In particular, he focuses on the law relates to teacher evaluation, collective bargaining, public school finance, as well as special education law.