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Ali Hasaba

Associate Teaching Professor

Medical Laboratory Science





Modular Unit #1 002





Study of chemical and analytical techniques used in clinical laboratory analysis. Topics include photometric, electrochemical and immunochemical separation used in research, forensic and medical applications. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.

Medically relevant carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, hormones, nonprotein nitrogenous substances, and enzymes will be discussed. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.

Medically relevant carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, hormones, nonprotein nitrogenous substances, and enzymes will be discussed. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.

Laboratory course correlated with MLS 341. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.

Laboratory course correlated with MLS 341. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.

Laboratory course correlated with MLS 341. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.

Laboratory course correlated with MLS 341. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.


Online and Continuing Education Courses

Principles of the physical and chemical analysis of medically significant organic and inorganic substances found in human body fluids and tissues. Laboratory instrumentation and electronics, metabolic screening, specimen collection, clinical correlation, quality control and laboratory safety will be emphasized. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.

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