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Bridget Teboh


Bridget Teboh







Liberal Arts 311





An introduction to the culture, history and civilizations of the African continent, with special emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa. This one-semester survey is designed to acquaint the student with the principal themes of African history and development from prehistoric to modern times.

Selected topics in Black Studies. May be repeated with change of content/topic.

Selected topics in Black Studies. May be repeated with change of content/topic.

Continuation of World Civilization; the study of World Civilizations from 1400 to the present.

Continuation of World Civilization; the study of World Civilizations from 1400 to the present.

Continuation of World Civilization; the study of World Civilizations from 1400 to the present.

An introduction to the culture, history and civilizations of the African continent, with special emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa. This one-semester survey is designed to acquaint the student with the principal themes of African history and development from prehistoric to modern times.

This course will deal with a variety of topics from Russian, European, and American history. One specific topic, e.g. the Russian Revolution, will be taught in any semester.

Advanced-level course for students with a background in African history. Topics will vary from year to year and may be repeated with change of content. Research papers will be required. Cross-listed as BLS 391 and LST 391.

Topics will be determined by the faculty member and will therefore vary.

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