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Catherine Neto


Catherine Neto, PhD


Chemistry & Biochemistry





Science & Engineering 301A





Students will integrate knowledge that they have gained throughout the major and the University Studies curriculum to perform a capstone research project. This will include a lecture component on presenting data in addition to the major laboratory research focus.

Students will integrate knowledge that they have gained throughout the major and the University Studies curriculum to perform a capstone research project. This will include a lecture component on presenting data in addition to the major laboratory research focus.

Students will integrate knowledge that they have gained throughout the major and the University Studies curriculum to perform a capstone research project. This will include a lecture component on presenting data in addition to the major laboratory research focus.

Students will integrate knowledge that they have gained throughout the major and the University Studies curriculum to perform a capstone research project. This will include a lecture component on presenting data in addition to the major laboratory research focus.

Students will integrate knowledge that they have gained throughout the major and the University Studies curriculum to perform a capstone research project. This will include a lecture component on presenting data in addition to the major laboratory research focus.

Students will integrate knowledge that they have gained throughout the major and the University Studies curriculum to perform a capstone research project. This will include a lecture component on presenting data in addition to the major laboratory research focus.

Students will integrate knowledge that they have gained throughout the major and the University Studies curriculum to perform a capstone research project. This will include a lecture component on presenting data in addition to the major laboratory research focus.

Students will integrate knowledge that they have gained throughout the major and the University Studies curriculum to perform a capstone research project. This will include a lecture component on presenting data in addition to the major laboratory research focus.

Original chemical research and preparation of thesis. Required for Plan A master's degree. Graded P/F.

Lectures on current topics in chemistry from guest lecturers and students. The graduate student will present a total of two seminars, one of which will be the thesis seminar. Each graduate student is required to enroll in this course for each semester in residence. This course will not count toward the 30 credits of course work and research required for the degree.


Research awards

  • $ 100,000 awarded by MA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH for Cranberry Health Research – Phytochemistry to Protect Against Oxidative Stress and Inflammation
  • $ 100,000 awarded by Massachusetts Department of Public Health, BSAS for Cranberry Health Research - Phytochemistry and Cellular Protective Mechanisms
  • $ 100,000 awarded by Massachusetts Department of Public Health for UMass Cranberry Health Research Center Gut Health Initiative
  • $ 49,408 awarded by Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. for Extraction, Fractionation and Characterization of Triterpenoids from Cranberry Pomace
  • $ 100,000 awarded by MA Department of Public Health for FY 22 Colon Health Initiative at UMass Cranberry Health Research Center


Research interests

  • Phytochemicals with anti-cancer, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activity from cranberries and other plant sources
  • Bioactivity, purification, and analysis of natural products
  • Factors influencing production of secondary metabolites including functional food factors
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