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Michelle Cheyne


Michelle Cheyne, PhD she/her/hers


Global Languages and Cultures

Staging Europe Adrift





Liberal Arts 346


2021Utrecht UniversityLLM in Public International Law
2003Rutgers, The State University of New JerseyPhD in French
1992Université Lumière-Lyon 2DEA in Lettres Modernes
1991Université Lumière-Lyon 2maîtrise in Lettres modernes
1991University of PennsylvaniaMA in French


  • French Culture and Language
  • European and French Literature (Poetry, Theater, Narrative)
  • Performance Arts
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Health and Society





Continuation of FRN 101.

Continuation of FRN 101.

Continuation of FRN 201

Study under the supervision of a faculty member in an area covered in a regular course not currently being offered. Conditions and hours to be arranged.

Intensive study or research on a special topic under the direction of a staff member. Hours to be arranged.

Study under the supervision of a faculty member in an area covered in a regular course not currently being offered. Conditions and hours to be arranged.


Online and Continuing Education Courses

Continuation of FRN 101.


Research interests

  • French and European Theater, Poetry, and Narrative
  • Performance Arts
  • Human Rights and Disenfranchisement
  • International Law
  • European-Bound Migration

Select publications

  • Michelle S. Cheyne (2021).
    Le chien de Montargis by R-C Guilbert de Pixerécourt, ed. Michelle Cheyne
    Théâtre complet : Mélodrames (1792-1835). vol. 5. Roxane Martin, series ed., Paris: Classiques-Garnier, 2021
  • Michelle S. Cheyne (2020).
    “Leaving Lethe for the Bardo: Staging the Disembodied Voices and Silent Bodies of Lampedusa Migrants in the Underworld of Europe”
    Forum Modernes Theater, 31:1 Winter 2020, 198-210.
  • Michelle S. Cheyne (2020).
    “Le Nègre ou Le Fils naturel du théâtre balzacien : la légitimité à l’épreuve”
    Théâtre de Balzac, Eric Bordas and Agathe Novack-Lechevalier, eds. Paris: Classiques-Garnier, 2020, 85-105.
  • Michelle S. Cheyne (2018).
    “‘Une action par trop vigoureuse’: writing and re-writing Pyracmond, ou Les Créoles”
    Parcours de génétique théâtrale : de l’atelier d’écriture à la scène, Ana Clara Santos, Sophie Proust, Ana Isabel Vasconcelos, eds. Paris: Le Manuscrit, 2018, 213-223.
  • Michelle S. Cheyne (2014).
    “La mémoire coloniale censurée : Pyracmond, ou les Créoles de Jacques-Louis Lacour (1826)”
    Personnage historique de Théâtre, Ariane Ferry and Sylvain Ledda, eds., Paris: Classiques-Garnier, 2014, 363-379.

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