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Ilana Offenberger


Ilana Offenberger

Assistant Teaching Professor





Liberal Arts 313


2010Clark UniversityPhD


  • The Holocaust
  • Jewish Resistance
  • 20th Century Europe
  • Nazi Germany
  • Vienna and the Jews





Exploration of globalization through its causes and in terms of the economic, cultural and political consequences that have followed. The course approaches this theme from both descriptive and normative perspectives. Topics could include the food revolution and changing global demographics, the internet and its impact on human interaction, climate crisis and global solidarity. May be repeated with change of content.

Exploration of globalization through its causes and in terms of the economic, cultural and political consequences that have followed. The course approaches this theme from both descriptive and normative perspectives. Topics could include the food revolution and changing global demographics, the internet and its impact on human interaction, climate crisis and global solidarity. May be repeated with change of content.

Continuation of History of Western Civilization; the study of European civilization from the end of the Middle Ages to the present, emphasizing the origins and development of 20th-century societies and issues.

Continuation of History of Western Civilization; the study of European civilization from the end of the Middle Ages to the present, emphasizing the origins and development of 20th-century societies and issues.

A study of the forces shaping contemporary Europe. Attention will be paid to World War I and its impact, the Versailles settlement, liberalism and democracy in the 20th century, the challenge of totalitarian systems, the Second World War, the Cold War, West European unification, and disintegration of the Eastern Bloc.

Seminars will be offered variously in topics in European History. The writing of a substantial paper will be required. Content will vary with instructor; may be repeated with change of content. Cross-listed for JST and WMS when the content is appropriate.


Online and Continuing Education Courses

Graduate Seminars in history are designed to allow participants to pursue reading and research on a particular historical topic. Course may be repeated with change of topic.

Seminars will be offered variously in topics in European History. The writing of a substantial paper will be required. Content will vary with instructor; may be repeated with change of content. Cross-listed for JST and WMS when the content is appropriate.

A critical analysis of selected topics or issues in European history which are not otherwise offered in the standard catalog courses.

Select publications

  • Ilana Offenberger. Ed. Avionim Patt. (2020).
    Jewish Responses to Nazism in Germany
    Understanding and Teaching the Holocaust
  • Ilana Offenberger (2020).
    For Godsake What To Do With All The Napkins? Preserving Czech-Jewish Life Under Nazi Occupation
    Agency and the Holocaust: Essays in Honor of Deborah Dwork (London: Palgrave Macmillan)
  • Ilana Offenberger (2017).
    The Jews of Nazi-Vienna, 1938-1945: Rescue and Destruction (London: Palgrave Macmillan)

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