Yanlai Chen


Yanlai Chen, PhD

Chief Research Officer

Office of Research & Innovation





Foster Administration 008B


2007University of Minnesota Twin CitiesPhD
2007University of Minnesota Twin CitiesMS
2002University of Science and Technology of ChinaBS


  • Numerical algorithms
  • Probability
  • Calculus, Differential equation
  • Optimization





Research investigations of a fundamental and/or applied nature defining a topic area and preliminary results for the dissertation proposal undertaken before the student has qualified for EAS 701. With approval of the student's graduate committee, up to 15 credits of EAS 601 may be applied to the 30 credit requirement for dissertation research.

Study under the supervision of a faculty member in an area not otherwise part of the discipline's course offerings. Conditions and hours to be arranged.


Research awards


Research interests

  • Numerical Analysis, scientific computing, computational partial differential equations
  • Dimension reduction, model order reduction, reduced order modeling
  • Uncertainty quantification, fractional-order partial differential equations
  • Data mining, machine learning, image processing, neural networks
  • high performance computing

Yanlai Chen received his BS degree in Mathematics from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), in 2002, MS in Computer Science and Engineering from Department of Computer Science and Engineering , and PhD in Mathematics from School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, in 2007. He then worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Brown University before joining the Department of Mathematics at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth in August 2010 where he currently serves as a Full Professor.

Dr. Chen’s research has been supported by the NSF, the AFOSR, and by ONR via UMassD's MUST program. His research interests are in numerical analysis and scientific computing, in particular, finite element methods, reduced basis methods and other fast algorithms, uncertainty quantification, design and analysis for machine learning algorithms. He has graduated three doctoral students.

Deeply caring about undergraduate training, Dr. Chen led a team and initiated the UMassD's ACCOMPLISH program via an NSF grant that aims to provide a multi-faceted financial and social support and contextualized computing-centered educational framework for eligible STEM students. Dr. Chen's administrative experience includes serving as a Co-Graduate Program Director of the Engineering and Applied Science program since September 2020, and as a Co-Director of the Center for Scientific Computing and Data Science Research since January 2022.

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