Professor. John R. Buck
Assistant Professor Paul J. Gendron
- David A. Hague (PhD Student)
David graduated from UMass Dartmouth in 2005 with a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering. He is an Army veteran with tours of duty in Afghanistan in 2002 and Kosovo in 2006. From the end of 2006 until August 2009, he worked for Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems located in Tewksbury, MA as a signal processing software developer for a variety of Radar systems. He returned to UMass in the Fall of 2009 as a research assistant at the Acoustic Signal Processing lab for Dr. John R. Buck to pursue his Phd with a focus on underwater acoustic signal processing. David was awarded a SMART scholarship in 2010 to pursue his MS degree and another SMART scholarship in 2011 to pursue his Phd. David also received 1st prize in the "Best Student Paper Award" in Signal Processing for Acoustics at the 161st meeting of the Acoustical Society America in Seattle, WA in 2011 and 2nd prize in the "Best Student Paper Award" in Engineering Acoustics at the 164th meeting of the Acoustical Socety of America in Kansas City, Mo in 2012. His main academic interests are sonar signal processing, compressive sensing, and sonar/radar waveform design.
- Dennis Cushing (MS)
- Ian Rooney (MS)
- Kaushallya Adhikari (PhD Student)
Kaushallya received her MS in Electrical Engineering (Signal Processing) from UMassD. She is currently working on design of coprime sensing arrays and study of lattice theory models for sampling of space-time signals. She is interested in areas of signal processing and information theory.
Contact: kaushallyaadhikari_at_gmail_dot_com
- Peter Khomchuk (PhD Candidate)
Peter Khomchuk received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the Vinnitsa National Technical University, Vinnitsa, Ukraine in 2006 and 2008, respectively. Currently he is pursuing a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in the UMass Darmouth. His research interests include statistical signal processing, array processing, radar signal processing and MIMO radars as well as pattern recognition with application to remote sensing and automatic target classification.
- Saurav R. Tuladhar (PhD Student)
Saurav received his BE from Institute of Eigineering, Tribhuvan University in Nepal and MS in Electrical Engineering (Signal Processing) from UMass Dartmouth. Saurav is currently pursuing his PhD degree. His research is focused on applying recent results from infinite Random Matrix Theory to adaptive array processing algorithms in limited sample support settings (sonar applications). He worked as an intern in the Phased Array System Toolbox development team at the MathWorks during the summer of 2012. His academic interests include adaptive array signal processing and random matrix theory. He is also interested in software implementation of signal processing algorithms and photography .
(Contact: stuladhar_at_umassd_edu)
- Yang Liu (MS)
Yang is working on developing optimum pulsing sequence for MRI.
- Laura Kloepper (Visiting Post-Doc)
Laura received her BA from Boston University and her Masters and Ph.D. from the University of Hawaii. Laura is currently an NSF-funded post doctoral fellow, dividing her time between both UMass Dartmouth and Brown University. Laura's research focuses on using array technology to understand the dynamics of echolocation in bats, dolphins, whales and porpoises. Specifically, she investigates changes in beam width during different phases of echolocation and links the physics of acoustics to the biology of the animal's behavior. (Contact: laura_kloepper_at_brown_edu)
- Xiaoli Zhu ( Audience, Inc)
- Nabin S. Sharma (Farsounder Inc)
- A. Joshi
- J. Miksis-Olds
- P. Rashkovetsky
- T. J. Shiao
- K. Ball
- D. Simopoulos
- X. Huang
- R. Suzuki
- A. Chary
- H. Dou