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LAR Degree Requirements

LAR majors fulfill three sets of graduation requirements: (I) College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) BA; (II) University (GenEd)/University Studies (US); and (III) Major (LAR). Courses taken to satisfy GenEd/University Studies can also count for college (B.A.) and major equirements; however, LAR major requirements cannot be used towards college (B.A) distribution requirements. While most majors can't fulfill BA College requirements with courses from that same discipline, LAR majors, who have two disciplinary concentrations, can take one additional course in a concentration discipline to fulfill a distribution requirement.

I. Arts & Sciences College Requirements for B.A. (College and GenEd Requirements (LAR Requirements Sheet ~ Gen Ed/pre-2012)/**LAR Requirements ~ University Studies CURRENT - students entering Fall 2012 - current)

  • Composition: 6 credits; English 101 and English 102
  • Literature: 6 credits
  • Humanities: 9 credits (No more than 6 credits from one field. Courses may be taken in Art History, History, Philosophy (including logic), Music (excluding applied courses), and culture and civilization courses from the departments of Global Languages and Culture and Portuguese,  and selected courses in interdisciplinary programs including Aging and Health, Black Studies, Sustainability Studies, Urban Studies, and Women & Gender Studies
  • Natural Sciences: 9 credits (courses taught in Chemistry, Biology, Medical Laboratory Science, Physics, and selected courses in Engineering and Nursing)
  • Social Sciences: 12 credits (courses taught in Anthropology, Crime and Justice Studies, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and selected courses in interdisciplinary programs including Aging and Health, Black Studies, Health and Society, Sustainability Studies, Urban Studies, and Women & Gender Studies
  • Language requirement: all candidates for a B.A. in the College of Arts and Sciences must demonstrate language proficiency in one of the following ways:
    1. completion of a 202-level course in a language other than English;
    2. satisfactory performance in both oral and written proficiency tests if student has a fluency (please contact the program for details);
    3. satisfactory score on the ETS placement test, the Advanced Placement test, the Advanced Placement Literature test, the CLEP examination, or the TOEFL examination; the last two, when combined with a writing sample, an oral examination, and the written permission of the Chairperson of the Department of Global Languages and Culture or Department of Portuguese; OR
    4. completion of American sign language at the intermediate level. Up to six credits are awarded for American Sign Language courses provided they are taken at an institution of higher learning such as a Massachusetts community college (in transfer credit); prior approval must be obtained from the Chairperson of the Department of Global Languages and Culture.

II. General Education & University Requirements (LAR Requirements Sheet ~ Gen Ed) (LAR Requirements Writable Sheet w-University Studies 8-23 - students entering Fall 2012 - current)

  • See University Studies requirements. All standard University requirements at the student’s discretion. Note: Mass Transfer students fulfill the majority of these requirements through the transfer agreement.
  • 120 credits; 30 credits at the 300+ level; a minimum of 45 credits at UMass Dartmouth.

III. Major Requirements (LAR Major Information with Concentration Areas)

  1. ENL 260: Intermediate Writing (3 credits) (counts for US)
  2. LAR 201: Introduction to Studies Across the Disciplines (3 credits) (counts for US)
  3. Two concentrations (15 credits each; 30 credits total) from the following list: Anthropology/Sociology (SOA); Art History (ARH); Economics (ECO); English (ENL-L) or English (ENL-W); Global Languages & Culture (GLC); History (HST); Philosophy (PHL); Political Science (PSC); Portuguese (POR); Sustainability Studies (SUS); Urban Studies (US); Women's & Gender Studies (WGS) [specific courses can also count for US]

LAR 401: Capstone Seminar in Multidisciplinary Studies (3 credits) (counts for US)

Total Credits for Major: 36 with 24 upper-level credits (300 and 400 level) in addition to ENL 260.  Advising checklist for University and College Requirements (LAR Requirements Sheet ~ Gen Ed) (LAR Requirements Writable Sheet w-University Studies 8-23- students entering Fall 2012 - current)

Note: Pre-requisites in concentration departments are the student's responsibility, and can count towards CAS or U.S. Gen. Ed. requirements.

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