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MAT In-Service

MAT for In-Service Teachers

30 credits

The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) In-Service track is designed for candidates who are currently teaching and need to advance a Provisional license. Students will earn a master’s degree in teaching. Initial licensure is obtained through an employment-based practicum outside of the MAT program. Students pursuing this option will apply to the MAT Non-Licensure track and follow the course sequence below. 


Required courses

  • EDU 510 Knowing and Learning
  • EDU 511 Integrated Classroom Practices for In-Service Teachers I
    • (Co-requisite: EDU 536 Field-Based Experience 1, 30 hours)
  • EDU 512 Integrated Classroom Practices for In-Service Teachers II
    • (Co-requisite: EDU 537 Field-Based Experience 2, 30-hours).
  • EDU 547 Introduction to Special Education
  • EDU 601 Sociocultural and Political Contexts of Education
  • EDU 602 Action Research
  • 4 Graduate-level Content Courses

Special Education Add-On License Option

+6 credits

  • EDU 548 Classroom Management for Mildly and Moderately Disabled Students
  • EDU 549 Diagnostic and Remedial Assessment for Mildly and Moderately Disabled Students

Teaching English as a Second Language Concentration

in lieu of 4 content courses

  • EDU 651 Language, Culture & Linguistics
  • EDU 652 Current Sociolinguistic Issues in TESOL
  • EDU 653 Theories of Language Acquisition - Implications for Instruction
  • EDU 654 Field Experience: Methods & Materials for Language 

Important information

Non-degree students: Students may take up to 6 credits prior to acceptance to the program, however to be eligible for financial aid, students must be matriculated. Non-degree students may obtain permission to enter courses by contacting Traci Almeida, Graduate Admissions Coordinator: 508.999.8098 or

Tuition discount for teachers in local districts: Students employed as teachers in local districts are eligible for a 20% tuition discount. Participating districts include Acushnet, Dartmouth,  Fairhaven, Fall River, Freetown/Lakeville, New Bedford, Old Rochester, Somerset, Swansea, Taunton, Wareham, Westport and Cape Cod. Employment verification must be submitted each semester. 

GPA requirements: Candidates must maintain a B average in all EDU courses. No grade less than a B- will be accepted. Additionally, the University requires that all graduate students maintain a 3.0 or higher grade point average.

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