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Student Organizations

New Psi Chi Members and Officers following the Induction Ceremony

Student Organizations

Below are the primary student organizations for psychology students.

Psi Chi Honor Society in Psychology

Psychology Club

Active Minds


Welcome to the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Psi Chi Chapter


What is Psi Chi?

Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, is the largest student psychology organization in the world, with more than three-quarters of a million lifetime members inducted since 1929.

Mission Statement

Recognizing and promoting excellence in the science and application of psychology

Psi Chi Membership

Membership in Psi Chi is open to undergraduate and graduate Psychology majors who meet the minimum GPA and specific course qualifications. Membership is open to eligible candidates of any age, sex, sexual orientation, race, handicap or disability, color, religion, and national and ethnic origin.

Determination of Eligibility

At the start of each semester, students who are in the upper 35th percentile of their class receive an “Invitation to Membership” email. After students apply online, the other eligibility criteria are checked. Only students who receive an invitation by email can apply to become a member of Psi Chi. GPA requirements are updated yearly.

Eligibility for Undergraduate students to become Psi Chi Members:

  • Must be registered for major standing in Psychology
  • Must have completed at least 3 semesters of college (i.e. at least 45 credits completed)
  • Must have completed at least 3 Psychology classes at UMD with at least a 3.0 Psychology GPA
  • Must rank in the top 35% of one’s class
    • To determine if you are in the upper 35th percentile of your graduating class, you must meet the minimum GPA:
      • Seniors (more than 90 credits completed): 3.538
      • Juniors (between 61-90 credits completed): 3.408
      • Sophomores (between 46-60 credits completed): 3.267

Eligibility for Graduate students to become Psi Chi Members:

  • Must be enrolled as a graduate student in Psychology
  • Must have established a GPA at UMassD (have completed at least one semester)
  • Must have an overall GPA of at least 3.00 in all graduate courses

The UMassD Chapter

The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Psi Chi Chapter was chartered in 1994. Since that time, we have continuously sought to uphold the founding principles of Psi Chi. Our chapter offers many opportunities for academic growth, leadership positions, community service, and fellowship. 

By taking part in Psi Chi, students will expand on their experience within the field of Psychology by collaborating with and assisting others within the society. Involvement in Psi Chi provides numerous opportunities and rewarding benefits.

Member meetings of the UMass Dartmouth chapter are typically held every other week. Officer elections and the induction ceremony for new members take place at the end of the Spring semester. All activities, including fundraisers, volunteering, and community service events take place at the discretion of members.

To learn more about who we are, what we do, and eligibility requirements for joining this prestigious society, please explore our website.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email

2024 – 2025 Psi Chi Officers

President – Naomi Mwangi

Vice President – Michaela Brulport

Secretary/TreasurerAlexzandria Dauphin

Faculty Advisors – Dr. Heloisa Alves and Dr. Patrice Hartnett


Psychology Club

While Psi Chi membership is only available to invited, eligible students, the UMass Dartmouth Psychology Club is open to all undergraduate and graduate students interested in psychology and its contributions to other disciplines. Both clubs share the same meetings, activities and officers. 

A few examples of activities from recent semesters include food and hygiene donation drives, a club logo design competition, movie nights, graduate school information sessions, as well as a Psychology trivia night.

If you have any questions, please email

2024 – 2025 Psychology Club Officers

Chairpersons – Angel Adanse, Arianna Garrido, Abigail Fitzpatrick

Faculty Advisors – Dr. Heloisa Alves and Dr. Patrice Hartnett


Active Minds

Active Minds is a student-run mental health awareness, education, and advocacy organization on the college campus. The group is designed to utilize peer outreach to increase students' awareness of mental health issues and symptoms of mental illness, provide information about available resources, encourage students to seek help as soon as help is needed, and to serve as a liaison between students and the mental health community. By promoting awareness and education, the group aims to remove the stigma that surrounds mental illness and create an open environment for discussion of mental health issues.

Active Minds Officers

Chair – Vic Rodriguez (

SecretaryDaniel Flores (

Faculty AdvisorDr. Elizabeth Richardson

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