UMass Law UMass Law: UMass Law Legal Skills Professors Presented at the New England Legal Writing Conference

UMass Law UMass Law: UMass Law Legal Skills Professors Presented at the New England Legal Writing Conference
UMass Law Legal Skills Professors Presented at the New England Legal Writing Conference

Professors Byra, Davis, Moor, and Spencer presented at the New England Legal Writing Conference on program redesign for the NextGen Bar Exam.


UMass Law Professors Betsy Byra, Jen Davis, Rebecca Moor, and Associate Dean Shaun Spencer presented at the New England Legal Writing Conference, held at Boston University School of Law. Faculty members from across the country presented on best practices and emerging issues in legal writing teaching and scholarship. UMass Law’s presentation, "Program Redesign for the NextGen Bar Exam," discussed how the UMass Law Legal Skills Program has revised its curriculum to emphasize the research and analytical skills that the NextGen Bar Exam will assess. The post-presentation debrief with conference attendees showed that UMass Law is ahead of the curve on NextGen adaptation.