Kelly Costigan portrait
2021 Senior Exhibition Artists 2021 Senior Exhibition Artists: Kelly Costigan
Kelly Costigan

Art + Design: Animation + Game Arts

About Kelly Costigan

I entered Umass Dartmouth as a transfer student in 2019, having previous experience at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Illustration back in 2015. Over the years I explored different methods of executing my own personal projects, eventually leading up to an interest in animation and digital sculpting. CVPA proved to be a great place to pursue both with it's Animation and Game Arts major. 


My capstone is crafted from the newfound passion in game design I have discovered during my time at AGA. Creating assets and seeing them utilized in-game, whether a moving, animated sprite or obstacle for the player to think about, excites me. I learned about developing puzzles through paper prototyping and soon set out to translate them in Unity through C#. Having greater experience in the visual development of games, learning code this year has been a big highlight in my own game development journey and I am excited to see where it takes me next.

Focused on ideas of light, both visual and intangible, InS↑ght is a 2D directional puzzle game where one open-eye piece can direct an adjacent piece towards the target, the only closed eye on the board. Once hit he closed eye opens, having been “enlightened”, and the player progresses to the next stage.

