Morgan Loe portrait
2021 Senior Exhibition Artists 2021 Senior Exhibition Artists: Morgan Loe
Morgan Loe

Art + Design: Animation + Game Arts

About Morgan Loe

Morgan Loe is a 3D artist and environment asset maker also producing character designs. He was born in the Caribbean on the twin island nation of Trinidad & Tobago where he earned a diploma in animation studies from the University of Trinidad & Tobago in 2017. After moving to Massachusetts he continued pursuing his studies at Umass Dartmouth. After coming from a strictly 2D animation focused background he has taken a different direction with 3D studies and is making progress regarding creating environments especially.


Growing up in the Caribbean I would say it is somewhat different for me to take an interest into animation from a young age so readily. Luckily for me there was a program for teaching such a thing within my small country at the time. Whilst my passion at first was in the field of 2D animation, over the course of my studies I have found myself fascinated with 3D in general. Right now I am currently focused on the creation of 3D assets but I am confident I will make a return to animation eventually, but this time using a rig instead of drawings. Perhaps later down, I can make a return to my island to bring the knowledge I have learned for others who have prospects in this field of work.

