Sophie Keevan self portrait
2021 Senior Exhibition Artists 2021 Senior Exhibition Artists: Sophie Keevan
Sophie Keevan

Art + Design: Illustration

About Sophie Keevan

Sophie Keevan is an illustrator from Princeton, Massachusetts. Previously an English major, they discovered they were much happier expressing themself through color and imagery, and they have not looked back since switching to CVPA. They have a particular interest in character design and animation, and hope to find a career in storyboarding or graphic novels in the future. 


As a kid I would imagine entire worlds and stories that I never wrote down. The words caught in a bottleneck between my brain and my hand. I would freeze, overwhelmed, and stick to daydreams. It is incredible to be in a place mentally and emotionally where I can translate those images and fantasies into a physical form.

This series is meant to convey a sense of comfort and fantasy in the mundane. I have taken a lot of inspiration from the works of Studio Ghibli, where stakes can be low and characters are allowed to sit and breathe. The theme of urban fantasy fascinates me as well. The idea of blending magic and the mundane, incorporating fantastical elements into everyday life, has so much potential. The greatest appeal for me lies in designing a wide range of characters, and putting them together to create unique dynamics. I strive to imbue each piece with a feeling of movement and life.

I hope you enjoy my illustrations. I am proud of how much I’ve grown as an artist, and I am hopeful about my future growth. It feels good to create a space in my art that feels comfortable and familiar, where the characters in them can be themselves, and so can I!


Twittter: @moxiebottle