Lauren Bigelow headshot
2024 Senior Exhibition Artists 2024 Senior Exhibition Artists: Lauren Bigelow
Lauren Bigelow

Concentration: Art + Design: Graphic Design

About Lauren Bigelow

Lauren Bigelow is a Graphic Designer and Artist from Central Massachusetts. She started her graphic design journey back at her vocational high school and decided to continue her studies here at UMass Dartmouth. Her main design interests include User Experience and Interactive Design, but she has also honed her basic animation and digital modeling skills over the past four years. Outside of designing, you can find her diving deeper into her passion for theatre or feeding her love for all things Disney. 


I’ve created this project, Human Nature, to help remove the stigma around menstruation once and for all and remind people that periods are a natural occurrence that should not be looked down upon in any way. As a woman, I grew up being told that any talk about “that time of the month” was inappropriate to discuss openly. Even as the talk around periods begins to increase and companies begin to tackle the issue through their branding, we as a society still remain only partially successful in the fight. I simply strived to create a brand that empowers individuals and validates their lived experiences.