Morgan Mary D’Amaral self-portrait
2024 Senior Exhibition Artists 2024 Senior Exhibition Artists: Morgan Mary DAmaral
Morgan Mary DAmaral

Concentration: Art + Design: Animation + Game Arts

About Morgan Mary D’Amaral

Morgan Mary D’Amaral is an animator and illustrator from Westport, Massachusetts. She has always had a special place in her heart for cartoons and video games. Her love and passion for character design as well as video game development has led her creativity to sprawl—wanting to experience the many wonders and opportunities that the art world has to offer.


Lowestoft is a collection of illustrations that I’ve done to further my capabilities within character development and design, story-telling, world-building as well as a deeper understanding of myself. I’m someone who has always been very in-tuned with stories that are enriched with progressive and everlasting character development. Being able to make these characters how I see fit and furthering their growth within the story has been an experience of a life-time, truly. Making such characters take bits and pieces of myself and other experiences and influences in my life drawn within themselves is something I wish to keep striving and getting better at as I further my art career. Simply, be similar to the ones who’ve influenced me the most when I was younger. Especially during a time where I could only dream of becoming exactly like that one day in my life. So, that’s why I’m striving to make it a reality.
