Sydney Craig portrait
2024 Senior Exhibition Artists 2024 Senior Exhibition Artists: Sydney Craig
Sydney Craig

Concentration: Art + Design: Graphic Design

About Sydney Craig

Sydney Craig is a designer based in Massachusetts, and she touches the world through her use of design and fine art in a complex, multidisciplinary style. Growing up, she was inspired by nature, animals, and family drawing nights that propelled her into a life of art, and through high school she explored graphic design, painting, drawing, and photography. After graduating high school and beginning college at UMass Dartmouth, her design approach became clear as a blend of creativity and strategic thinking. She believes in the power of design to not only catch the eye but also convey a message and evoke emotions and thrives seeing her art touch the minds and hearts of people. The main concentration of her art has become nature focused, and she wants her career to be based on sustainability and exposing the effects of human interference with the natural world.


In my book Birds of the Bay State, I really wanted to tap into my love of nature, photography, and graphic design by creating a photo book that reflected that. By focusing on birds in the Massachusetts bay area, I was able to take some amazing drives around looking for birds to photograph and learning more about the natural landscape of the shores and woods. I was also able to explore more in depth what typography could do for the visual aspect, and the themes I was able to create for the book really grasped how I want my work to be in my future endeavors.  
