Amanda Horne portrait
2021 Senior Exhibition Artists 2021 Senior Exhibition Artists: Amanda Horne
Amanda Horne

Art + Design: Interior Architecture + Design

About Amanda Horne

Hello! I’m Amanda Horne and I’m graduating with my bachelor’s in Interior Architecture and Design. I love all things design and I have loved being a part of this program. UMass Dartmouth has given me so much opportunity during my time here. One of my favorite things that I’ve been able to do is study abroad in Florence, Italy.


For my thesis, I have decided to redesign an airport. I love to travel and I love being in airports and getting to people watch, but there are a lot of people that don’t like airports and some people that are not able to use an airport to the best of their ability. Airports tend to be loud and crowded places. People who have issues with loud noises and crowds can have difficulty maneuvering throughout airports as well as people who have certain types of disabilities.

