Devon Lewis portrait
2024 Senior Exhibition Artists 2024 Senior Exhibition Artists: Devon Lewis
Devon Lewis

Concentration: Art + Design: Photography

About Devon Lewis

Devon Lewis is a photographer based in New Bedford Massachusetts. She received her B.F.A in Photography in 2024 from the College of Visual and Performing Arts at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Her work is an examination and critique of conventional fashion photography. Devon specializes in portraiture and working on location.


Devon Lewis is a photographer based in New Bedford Massachusetts. She received her B.F.A in Photography in 2024 from the College of Visual and Performing Arts at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Her work is an examination and critique of Fashion Photography. Devon specializes in portraiture and working on location.

I have always been drawn to the art of capturing beauty, creativity, and artistry through photography. While traditional fashion photography has its merits, I have always felt a strong urge to break away from the expected norms and push the boundaries. My goal is to create unconventional and unique images that challenge the traditional standards of this genre and display the endless possibilities and creativity that I find within it.

To bring my vision to life, I infuse unique themes and inventive concepts into my imagery, surpassing the mere display of fashion and beauty. My passion lies in exploring the deeper emotions and narratives that these visuals convey. By provoking viewers to reconsider conventional standards, I strive to ignite a reevaluation of their views on fashion photography. The true beauty of this art form lies in its power to evoke diverse emotions and interpretations for each individual. It is a personal journey for the viewer to reflect and challenge their own perceptions and biases, ultimately deciding what messages they will take away from these visuals.

My interest in fashion photography drives me to explore new horizons and cultivate a unique perspective within this creative realm. By embracing unconventional approaches, I aim to transcend the boundaries of traditional standards and unveil the boundless potential for creativity within the field. Through thought-provoking imagery that captures the essence of beauty, artistry, and emotion, I strive to spark a reimagining of what fashion photography can be, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of reevaluation and inspiration.