Elizabeth Crisman potrait
2024 Senior Exhibition Artists 2024 Senior Exhibition Artists: Elizabeth Crisman
Elizabeth Crisman

Concentration: Art + Design: Photography

About Elizabeth Crisman

Bio: Elizabeth Crisman is a photographer based in Taunton, Massachusetts. She received her BFA in 2024 in Photography with a minor in sculpture from the College of Visual and Performing Arts at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Her work is inspired by her personal connections within LGBTQ+ community. Elizabeth is interested in travel photography, as well as photographing weddings, and capturing special moments.


It all started with a Facebook post.  “Looking for people of the LGBTQIA+ Community interested in participating in a photoshoot- individuals and groups- for my Senior Project.” Over time I developed my concept of  looking for people within my community that could relate to one another but still show their differences. Hearing from this community, I felt support that I never  knew I had. Close friends that I grew up with were able to contribute to this process and help me reach out to others. The focus of my work not only concentrates on the sexuality/identity point of view of each individual, but how to collaborate with one another to create portraiture of reality versus fantasy.  

In my photographs, I captured  individual stories delving into aspects beyond sexual orientation such as personality, aspirations, and dreams. Through these photographs I aim to reveal each individual story that expresses who they are as people. My asking “what makes you, you?” and “ If you could live in a world of your own making, what would it look like?” These are the questions I am asking friends, family, and anonymous people who have participated in this project.

Being part of a community is something that not everyone has, but hopefully, can appreciate. In my experience it was finding different communities that I could be a part of, exploring my own journey of sexuality and appreciating what the LGBTQ+ community is for me. To this day, I admire the community I have found because not only do I see different aspects and nuances within it, I hear new stories, as well as appreciate the passion, pride and different personalities of my subjects.