CVPA at UMassD
2020 Senior Exhibition Artists 2020 Senior Exhibition Artists: Gabrielle Wenners
Gabrielle Wenners

Art + Design: Animation & Game Arts


Gabrielle Wenners is a freelance game and digital artist operating remotely in the New England area. From an early age she won several awards for logo design, craftsmanship, and even a few oddly colored trophies for the many miscellaneous hobbies that filled her free time. Gabrielle’s dream was to make her imagination come to life. Now, she seeks to make other dreams a reality as well.

She has visited Japan as part of her study abroad program and met with studio professionals in both Bexide (a company underneath the Sony Entertainment umbrella in Japan) and CyberConnect2. From there she began to polish the 3D aspects of her craft, focusing on texture and prop work especially and dabbling in environment design and game testing, eventually prompting her to take an internship position as a prop artist and programs educator. Gabrielle was a transfer student from Mount Ida College after its abrupt closure in May of 2018 and completed her degree at UMass Dartmouth.


I am currently working on several personal and freelance projects as the final year of my academics comes to a close. If I have the time I might play a game, read a book, or watch a movie to see behind the initial wow factors and to really break down what’s in front of me. It’s been a wild ride for sure, but there are some things you can only learn with time and experience. In four years I’ve learned some incredible skills, met some amazing people, people I never thought I’d be able to meet, and I’ve made friends all over the world because of it.

To me, the only limits are what you put on yourself. If I had one thing to tell myself a few years ago, it’d be to get extra tablet pens, to love my work even if it’s a crooked doodle on a page, and to take every day one step at a time. Legends are those who leave the beaten path and carve their own future. No one ever said they had to do it all on Plan A.



Lords of Stone; The Illuminated Guardian, modeled in zBrush, textured in Substance Painter
Ahn'oth Ur: Siiv, modeled in zBrush, textured in Substance Painter