Kyle Richer portrait
2020 Senior Exhibition Artists 2020 Senior Exhibition Artists: Kyle Richer
Kyle Richer

Art + Design: Graphic Design


Kyle Richer is a graphic designer and illustrator, born and raised in Rhode Island. Using graphic design, illustration, and photography, Kyle strives to combine the three to not only convey important information and messages, but also to explore and reimagine narratives of the mundane that are often overlooked. Heavily influenced by found objects, textures, and vintage ephemera, Kyle's work often meets at the intersection of the past and present. He loves to juxtapose nostalgic imagery with the processes of the digital age to create visual experiences that are both universal in medium, and unique in presentation.


For the past few years, I have been accompanying my parents to various estate sales around Southern New England on Saturday and Sunday mornings. My love for vintage things began many years ago as I was introduced to the world of antique stores and thrift stores at a very young age. Once I began attending these sales, it felt like a completely different world. Being able to feel completely immersed in the home filled with the belongings of strangers posed so many questions that no one could answer for me, but I think that is my favorite part. 

NOSY was born out of that indescribable feeling of curiosity and nostalgia that I felt as I rummaged through these vacated homes, and my strong desire to recreate these feelings for a much broader audience. Through a series of immersive books using the personal possessions I take with me from these intimate spaces, each book is a curated and unique experience to reflect the distinct personality of each family or individual that resided in the once occupied houses. Whether that be family photographs, letters, journals, or ephemera, each piece was held onto by its owner for a reason. Because it was valued enough for them to keep for as long as they did, it became important for me to pay homage.

This project is a re-imagination of the mundane and obsolete, putting the once valuable items of strangers into the hands of an entirely different audience, making the private public through the collection and presentation of these once valuable possessions. 


Instagram: @kyle.richer