Haley Jackson portrait
2020 Senior Exhibition Artists 2020 Senior Exhibition Artists: Haley Jackson
Haley Jackson

Bachelor of Science: Interior Architecture + Design


Hello! My name is Haley Jackson, I’m graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture and Design. I joined the program four years ago, at Mount Ida College and followed it here to Umass! Following the program here was the best choice I made! I have flourished on this campus with joining the admissions team and getting to meet a ton of new people and having the opportunity to meet prospective students! For my senior thesis, I wanted to do something that was important to me. My family has been homeless so building this was personal for me. I decided to design a transitional housing complex for women transitioning from homelessness, prison and rehab. I wanted to make a space where they could flourish and grow into their new lives and gain skills that they might not have. Building and designing these complexes will slowly get rid of the stigma surrounding them.


Email: hmjackson200@gmail.com
Website: hjinteriors.wixsite.com/hjinteriors
Portfolio: issuu.com/hjinteriors/docs/
Instagram: @hj_interiors200

Thesis Project