Rhiannon Sulik portrait
2020 Senior Exhibition Artists 2020 Senior Exhibition Artists: Rhiannon Sulik
Rhiannon Sulik

Bachelor of Science: Interior Architecture + Design


Hello Everyone, I am Rhiannon Sulik and I am a graduating Senior part of the Interior Architecture and Design program here at UMASS Dartmouth.  I joined the program just four short years ago originally at Mount Ida College, which then transferred the entire program to UMASS, and I followed our professors here. Becoming a Corsair has been one of the best experiences of my life. I really developed who I was as a person, coming across life changing people who some still to this day are my friends for life. On the topic of Senior Thesis, I wanted to find a personal connection to a project rather than just pick something out, so I decided to design a residential care facility for people with cognitive and physical disabilities. I’ve personally worked in this field for 5 years, and if it wasn’t for my passion of interior design, I would still be working in that field. My overall goal in the design community is to change the standards for universal design. Not only can you have on trend items designed universally, but also create a space that any user can always feel confident and safe in.


Email: Rhiannonsulikdesign@gmail.com
Website: rhiannonsulikdesig.wixsite.com/rhiannonsulik

Thesis Project