Rebecca Main portrait
2020 Senior Exhibition Artists 2020 Senior Exhibition Artists: Rebecca Main
Rebecca Main

Bachelor of Science: Interior Architecture + Design


Hey everyone! My name is Rebecca Main and I am a graduating senior in the Interior Architecture and Design program here at UMass Dartmouth. My senior thesis is focused on creating a community service apartment complex for the homeless.

The concept of this project is to shine light on homelessness and build a new system by providing the homeless with free housing through the “Housing First” initiative.

This project will create an opportunity for the public to participate in a movement to end homelessness by providing them with the resources they need to live a happy and stable life.

The goal for this project is to utilize a new approach to end homelessness through the contributions of the community. This project will give the homeless support and motivation needed to get back on their feet again as well as finding new and effective ways for the community to be part of the process.


Instagram: @rmain_iad

Thesis Project