College of Engineering stories Breana Thibodeaux '22: Real-world experience A senior capstone project led Breana to discover her interest in conducting research for the treatment of cancer. Rylee Gant '22: Finding her niche Rylee, an electrical engineering major, lands a position with the Naval Undersea Warfare Center. Evans Kussi '22: Prepared for success Evans, a civil engineering major, talks about how developing leadership, teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills helped to prepare him for career success. Jack McDonald '22: Choosing physics The option to study physics, pursue sports, & commute to campus makes UMassD Jack's ideal choice. Stephanie DeCarvalho: Benefiting from mentorship A faculty-guided research project led Stephanie, a mechanical engineering major, to an MA Space Grant through MIT and invitations to participate in academic conferences. Saheedat Bello '22: Student leader & mentor Saheedat, a computer science major, shares how networking and leadership roles have helped her flourish academically as well as professionally. Student Veteran Spotlight: Chris Norton '24 - Aviation to Angstroms Coast Guard veteran Chris Norton '24 discusses his military service, transition, and time here at UMassD. Alexa Van Voorhis '22, '23: Motivated by more Alexa, a bioengineering major, shares how participating in extracurricular activities has prepared her for a bright future. Physics major to present at Council on Undergraduate Research event McKenzie Ferrari is one of 60 students selected nationwide to participate in the Council on Undergraduate Research "Posters on the Hill" event in April. Raena Gaston ’25: The art of communication Raena discusses how participating in leadership activities has enhanced her public speaking skills. Abigail Keith '20: Electrical engineer 2 at Raytheon As an electrical and computer engineering major, Abigail worked alongside her faculty mentor in the research lab where she demonstrated that dolphin-inspired algorithms are faster on average than other common search algorithms when searching for difficult to detect objects. Taylor Walsh '21: Optimism leads to success The “Track Rookie of the Year “shares how serving as captain of the UMassD Cross Country and Track teams helped her realize she can accomplish any goal or dream, despite the global pandemic. << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 > >>