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ENL 359: Tutoring Writing - spring

Prerequsite: ENL 102

General Education requirement: 5B - Engagement

Theories and dynamics of writing consultation and course-based tutoring. Readings theorize the writing process, conflicting ideas about writing itself, as well as writing center history, theory, and practice. The course is highly interactive, calling on students to use readings as the grounding for the critical examination of writing consultant practices, as well as the co-construction of classroom discussions and activities. Field work (one hour per week) as a writing consultant is required.

13304 01B Lecture 20 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 2:00 PM EST 2:50 PM EST Liberal ARts 208
Instructor: Katherine DeLuca Class status:
Prerequsite: ENL 102
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: Blended