HLT 420: Health and Society Capstone - fall

Prerequisite: HLT 201 & HLT 211 (or ENL 264), and junior or senior status, or permission of instructor.

General Education requirement: 5A - Capstone Study

In-depth exploration of a subject chosen for the semester that addresses an aspect of the social and cultural determinants of human health and/or health disparities.

Topic: Having Babies/Making Families
10955 01B Lecture 25 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 12:30 PM EDT 1:45 PM EDT Auditorium 006
Instructor: Andrea Klimt Class status:
Prerequisite: HLT 201 & HLT 211 (or ENL 264), and junior or senior status, or permission of instructor.
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: Blended