HON 202: Transformative American Ideas - fall

Prerequisite: Honors Program Students Only

General Education requirement: 4B - US Society

Investigation of important North American contributions to human civilization, from Jazz and the airplane, to nuclear weapons and Cheese Wiz, to individual rights, the written constitution and the democratic republic. Topics could include Coming Down with the Blues; building the car, or the plane, Hollywood and the Invention of mass cinema; from inalienable rights to human rights; the Long 1960s as Cultural Revolution. May be repeated with change of content.

Topic: American Democracy in Crisis
12527 01 Lecture 20 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 11:00 AM EDT 12:15 PM EDT MacLean Campus Center 007
Instructor: Mark Santow Class status:
Prerequisite: Honors Program Students Only
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person