MTH 465: Small World Networks - fall

Prerequisite: MTH 331 or MTH 382, or permission of instructor

General Education requirement: 5B - Engagement

Modeling small-world networks. This experiential-learning course focuses on the simulation and analysis of small ­world networks, including social networks, food chains and the world-wide web. Models will include regular lattices, random graphs, Strogatz-Watts networks, an random accretion models of Barabasi and Albert and of Aeillo, Chung and Lu.

12660 01 Lecture 25 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 2:00 PM EDT 3:15 PM EDT Liberal Arts 203
Instructor: Dana Fine Class status:
Prerequisite: MTH 331 or MTH 382, or permission of instructor
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person