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Portrait of Basil Aboul-Enein


Basil Aboul Enein, EdD he/him

Assistant Teaching Professor

Health & Society




Liberal Arts 381


2014A.T. Still University of Health SciencesEdD
2011Norwich University - Military College of VermontMA
2008University of Texas Health Science CenterMPH
2005Texas Woman’s UniversityMSc
2002University of Central ArkansasBSc





Cross-disciplinary debates about health, wellness and health care. The course challenges students to look critically at health care practices and understand the complexities of health policy; understand the impact of culture and historical change on understandings of health, illness and the body; and see how globalizing economies and structures of inequality shape illness, health care, and individual well-being.

Cross-disciplinary debates about health, wellness and health care. The course challenges students to look critically at health care practices and understand the complexities of health policy; understand the impact of culture and historical change on understandings of health, illness and the body; and see how globalizing economies and structures of inequality shape illness, health care, and individual well-being.

Basic concepts and methodologies of qualitative and quantitative social scientific research. By conducting a semester-long mixed-method research project, engaging with examples of scholarly research, and critically examining the process of knowledge production, students learn about the ethics and principals of research design and develop skill in utilizing qualitative and quantitative methods, analyzing social scientific data, and effectively communicating research results.

Study under supervisioin of faculty member in an area not otherwise part of the program's course offerings. Conditions and hours to be arranged.


Research interests

  • Public health nutrition
  • International health
  • Medical Humanities
  • Global health issues
  • Social justice in public health

Select publications

Dr. Aboul-Enein served as a Captain in the US Air Force Biomedical Science Corps as Chief of Medical Intelligence and Preventive Medicine. He previously worked in several institutions and medical facilities including Baylor College of Medicine, the USDA WIC nutrition program for the city of Houston, Texas, Naval Station Newport Rhode Island, Northeastern University, and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine-UK. He has published over 100 manuscripts in several peer-reviewed journals covering topics on public health nutrition, international health, global health issues, medical humanities, religion and health, social justice and health, health education and health promotion, maternal-child health, and cultural competency in the health professions. He served as chief editor and contributor for a book titled “Contemporary Islamic Perspectives in Public Health” published by Cambridge University Press, UK.

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