Christopher Brigham


Christopher Brigham, PhD he/him/his

Associate Teaching Professor





Textiles 219A


2006Tufts University School of MedicinePhD
1995Villanova UniversityBS - ChE


  • Bioengineering
  • Capstone design





An introduction to the application of engineering to biological systems. Foundational topics including fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, enzyme kinetics, and design of experiments will constitute the beginning of the class. Following, applications of these introductory concepts will be covered in a set of case studies focused on human organ systems and biotechnology unit operations. We will focus on biomedical engineering concepts and current works through review of relevant literature in the field.

Professional and management activities of project engineering as a two course sequence. Students working in teams will integrate their learning by selecting a senior Bioengineering design project, leading to a written and oral presentation of a project proposal. Intellectual property rights, ethics and economic issues, as well as applicable regulations will be considered.

Professional and management activities of project engineering as a two course sequence. Students working in teams will integrate their learning by selecting a senior Bioengineering design project, leading to a written and oral presentation of a project proposal. Intellectual property rights, ethics and economic issues, as well as applicable regulations will be considered.

Topics of timely interest in Bioengineering, Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering. Course content may change from year to year according to instructor's preferences


Research activities

  • Biomanufacturing
  • Microbial genetics and physiology


Research interests

  • Bioplastics
  • Biofuels
  • Biomanufacturing processes
  • Microbiology